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Leaders for task 1 meet in Bergen

Leaders for BECOME Work Package 1, which focuses on the large scale and long term understanding of Biosphere Reserve implementation, met together in Bergen on the 14th of November for BECOME’s first physical workshop.

The team spent two days stocktaking and building a common road map for this aspect of the project. This project builds on past work by Lisen Schultz from the Stockholm Resilience Centre, and the survey she started in 2008 which gathered information from more than 100 Biosphere Reserves worldwide













Now a bigger team is forming to take this research forward, including researcher Alicia Barraclough, postdocs Jarrod Cusens and Hanna Sinare, with the support of Lisen Schultz, Inger Måren and Katja Malmborg, will work together to further this work on gaining a large-scale and transferable understanding of Biosphere Reserve effectiveness.