Stockholm Resilience Centre

Stockholm Resilience Centre

Lisen Schultz is the principal researcher heading the SRC team. Her key research interests are the role of learning and participation in landscape management, and she has studied biosphere reserves since 2005. In BECOME, she will be mainly involved with work packages 1 and 4. We will repeat a survey on BR characteristics and self-reported success that my team did with 150 BRs in 2008 and again in 2013, creating a 13-year longitudinal dataset that we will compare with other effectiveness measures, e.g., from big data on land-cover change, ecosystem condition and biodiversity trends.

She is an associate professor in sustainability science and the Deputy Director of the Stockholm Resilience Centre, and also a member of the Swedish national commission for UNESCO.



Dr Hanna Sinare is a researcher at Stockholm Resilience Centre. She has conducted research mainly in the context of smallholder agriculture in West Africa, including youth perspectives on opportunities and constraints in agriculture and the rural economy in Burkina Faso, and analysis of how people benefit from local landscapes and how that has changed over time. She is part of research teams developing processes for participatory identification of visions and constraints, and co-production of actions towards desired futures based on local perspectives in Senegal. She also works with cross-scale interactions and distal impacts connecting places to decisions elsewhere.