Policy Impact

Policy Impact

Become will work to generate knowledge with policy impact at the intergovernmental, national and regional scales – through our work we aim to help local networks inform global frameworks.


Become will work at the  trans-national and intergovernmental scale by collaborating with UNESCO’s Scientific sector, with the Man and Biosphere Programme on co-producing this research project. We will work closely for the completion of the MAB Programme biosphere reserve database to include analysis on changing effectiveness in BRs.

As nations move to implement the Global Biodiversity Framework, we will work closely with the Convention on Biological Diversity Focal Points in each national environmental governmental organisation (e.g., Miljødirektoratet in Norway, INCF in Portugal, DFFE in South Africa), to provide evidence for how BRs contribute to the post-2020 agenda, and if BRs should be considered OECMs within each country’s accounting system. Producing policy relevant knowledge on the role of biosphere reserves in the implementation of the GBF is a key objective for Become.

At the national level, the UNESCO and MAB national committees and National Environment Ministries will be invited to partner stakeholder workshops in order to understand the implementation and monitoring of BRs within national systems and for the incorporation of indices into national monitoring schemes.