The University of Bergen UNESCO Chair on Sustainable Heritage and Environmental management is the Consortia Coordinator, with several researchers attached to the project. Our expertise in in social-ecological systems research, Biosphere Reserves, conservation, Adaptive co-management, participation and knowledge co-production.

Alicia D. Barraclough is the project PI and consortia coordinator. She is interested in Biosphere Reserves as places for earth stewardship which lead the way in new approaches to conservation. She is also interested in the World Network as a places of learning where lessons can be exported beyond the biosphere reserve’s borders. She leads the project and has special interest in WP1 and 3.
Jarrod Cusens is a postdoc hired on the Become project. He will primarily work within work package 1 and 4. With a background in nature valuation and social ecological systems, he has strong GIS skills which are an asset to the project. He is interested in understanding the links between land-use change and essential biodiversity and ecosystem service variables, as well as developing indicators for biocultural diversity.